Five Nights at Candy's Wiki
Five Nights at Candy's Wiki
Five Nights at Candy's Wiki

Withered Cat, (also known as CAT), is a new animatronic and one of two main antagonists of Five Nights at Candy's 2, the other being The Rat. He is the withered incarnation of The Cat. He, along with Withered Rat, appears in Night 6 and Night 8 only. He is possessed by the soul of the actor who played The Cat back in the Rat and Cat Theatre.


He is almost similar to the Withered Rat. They both have the same dominant color and have fallen into disrepair. However, The Cat also has hollowed eyes, with the right eye bearing stitches. Like The Rat, he has a stitch running across his head and the same joints, yet, he doesn't have a metallic skin or layer showing.

Unlike his successors, Old Candy, Candy, and Cindy, The Cat himself doesn't have many whiskers. He has a large hole torn in his chest. Similar to Withered Rat, he has 2-3 metallic cubes on his arms.

However, unlike his monster counterpart, he has no fanged teeth. He has exposed endoskeleton fingers, along with his left hand and lower left leg, with parts of his upper left leg exposed. His body is damaged, as is his head. He also seems to be less damaged than The Rat.


There is very little known about The Cat in comparison to the other animatronics because The Cat is only active on Night 6 and Night 8 (the label of 7/20 in Nightmare Mode) and has relatively few appearances in the plot.

The Cat starts in an unknown location behind the Withered Rat, but the Room he starts doesn't have a camera to look inside and does not appear on the floor plan, thus it is unknown what the Room is used for.

The Cat works like the other "wandering" animatronics; When you see him in a camera or The Central Hall, using the phones will move him to the camera where the phone is. It should be noted that The Cat can appear on the same camera as The Rat. The Cat, however, can occasionally also use the vents like Withered Chester to go to the central hall and kill you. Unlike Chester, If the Cat succeeds in entering the vents, he cannot be camera stalled. if you never open the maintenance panel and the Cat entered the vents, he'll play his side jumpscare.

He and The Rat appear to have both been in use at the same time and at the same location.


  • The Cat and The Rat are the only animatronics in the second game that can appear on the same camera at the same time.
  • By clicking on the fourth star on the starting menu (after finishing 7/20 Nightmare) you are sent to a Minigame showing the Grand Reopening of Rat and Cat's Theater with an unwithered The Cat and The Rat performing. This most likely is the very first establishment and existed sometime before 1965 (when Old Candy and Blank were most likely first created, judging by their minigame) but after 1962 (when Rowboatics Corp. Factory first opened).
  • The Cat and The Rat are the opposite of a Tom and Jerry team, where cat and mouse are allied against a third party instead of opposing each other. (However, Tom and Jerry have been shown to ally when another character tries to interrupt their dynamic.)
  • The Cat and The Rat are the only animatronics that is actually confirmed to kill the player, as the death screen after being jumpscared by them shows a news clipping of how Marylin Schmidt was found brutally murdered, whereas when the other animatronics jumpscare the player the news clipping only mentions her mysterious disappearance.
  • When viewing The Cat and The Rat in the Extra Menu, the music turns into an ominous trombone tune. This is actually the normal music in the extra menu that slowed down.
  • The Cat and The Rat are not springlock animatronics confirmed by Emil Macko on Twitter.
  • Despite being just as withered, The Cat is less damaged than The Rat is.
  • Five Nights at Candy's 2 takes place in 2007 and Five Nights at Candy's 3 takes place in 1962, making both The Cat and The Rat animatronics 45-years-old.
  • Despite being scared by phones when banging on a vent, the Cat is also lured by said phones


Standard Animatronics
Originals: Blank the AnimatronicCandy the CatChester the ChimpanzeeCindy the CatOld CandyThe PenguinVinnie

Withereds: Withered BlankWithered ChesterWithered New CandyWithered New CindyWithered Penguin
News: New CandyNew Cindy
Funtimes: Funtime CandyFuntime Cindy
Forgottens: Forgotten CandyForgotten CatMini Candies
Wirelock Hybrids: The CatThe Rat

Supernatural Animatronics

Monsters: Monster CatMonster RatMonster Vinnie
Shadows: Shadow CandyShadow CatShadow Rat
Others: Dawko MarionetteLollipopMarkiplier AnimatronicNightmare CandyOrigami CatPhantom CandyScribble Netty

Security Guards
Mary SchmidtFNaC 4's Protagonist
Audio Recorders
Phone GuyCassette Man
Other People
Mary Schmidt's BrotherMarylin SchmidtThe Puppeteer