Five Nights at Candy's Wiki
Five Nights at Candy's Wiki

The complete timeline of the Five Nights at Candy's series




  • Mary Schmidt and her brother are born, Their mother passed away during their childhood, and the last memory Mary has of her is an origami cat she made with her.



  • Rowboatics Corp. Factory is opened that year.
  • The first Generation of Candy’s was introduced with the Rat, the Cat and Vinnie costumes.
  • Rat and Cat Theater opens shortly after.
  • The Vinnie costume is stored on a maintenance bench in the employee room.
  • Mary's brother goes to camp.
  • Mary and her father visit the Rat and Cat Theater.
  • Mary plays hide and seek with the actors before seeing the Puppeteer accidentally killing the Rat actor and murdering the Cat actor.
  • The Puppeteer, while still traumatized by what he did, tries to make a name for himself with the diploma. He stars as the lead of a horror film called Psychopath, which has broken box-office records in one week.



  • The Vinnie, Rat and Cat suits are converted into wire controlled animatronics finishing up the second generation.
  • The Rat and Cat Theater reopens.
  • Mary's family visits the Rat and Cat Theater during the reopening and Mary's brother is struck on the head by the Rat.
  • Mary has reoccurring nightmares over the guilt of the Rat and Cat actors deaths.
  • Mary sees her therapist.
  • Mary properly remembers what happened on that day at the Rat & Cat Theater.
  • Mary alerts the authority's and the Puppeteer is arrested for his crimes.
  • Vinnie, Rat And Cat are later sent back to the Rowboatics Corp. Factory.


  • Old Candy and Blank are manufactured at the Rowboatics Corp. Factory making up the third generation.
  • The Rat awakens are rampages around the Rowboatics Corp. Factory until he finds a moving truck where he is transported along with Old Candy and Blank to Candy's Burger & Fries.
  • Candy's Burger & Fries is opened as a refurbished and renovated theater and restaurant.
  • Old Candy and Blank serve as the main attractions and performers while Vinnie and The CAT are kept away in the factory.
  • The Rat is relocated to a second storage room named Null.


  • Old Candy is lured to the Parts and Service room by Shadow Candy and is temporarily deactivated.


  • Blank finds some drawings around Candy's Burgers & Fries before coming face to face with Shadow Candy.



  • Shadow Candy guides Old Candy towards the night-guard’s office, where a child is crying. Upon seeing Old Candy, he immediately springs up in happiness, and seeks out someone who is presumably his father. However, he has been waiting a long while, and tells off the boy, causing him to cry once again, Old Candy approaches the potential parent and murders him out of fear that he is causing the child harm.
  • Old Candy is decommissioned after killing the crying child's abusive father.
  • Mary Schmidt, now an adult, decides to visit Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, before it has its grand reopening with the new and improved “Toy” animatronics. She ends up seeing the Marionette, who reminds her eerily of Vinnie from her past.


  • While Mary was working the Rowboatics Corp. Factory, she falls asleep as the Rat lured a pair of twins to the factory.
  • On the 23rd, a pair of twins are murdered inside the facility by the Rat and the Cat and disassembled into parts for Candy and Cindy.
  • On the 24th, police seem to have cordoned off the machine, and Vinnie pays the location a visit. On the 25th, Vinnie seems to give Candy and Cindy “new life”
  • Candy, Cindy, Chester and the Penguin are delivered to Candy's Burger's and Fries wrapping up the fourth generation, Old Candy is put in the main storage room after he is replaced by the fourth generation of animatronics.
  • The RAT appears to get lonely, upset and discouraged without The CAT by his side, this seems to fuel his anger outbursts and violent rampages.


  • A previous security guard asked his fellow co-workers to accompany him on his nightshift. When no-one came, he defended himself from Blank with a wrench, destroying his left arm and severely damaging his head, This potentially caused Blank to malfunction. This event would end up traumatizing Blank and permanently hindering his performance, after he was attacked, the night guard then, left the restaurant during the middle of his shift.
  • The three Penguin waiters that were sent to Candy's Burger's and Fries two of them broke and the last one is glitched but still usable, however this leads to the faulty animatronic glitching cameras and messing with the Wi-Fi signals controlling the power.
  • 1 week after Fazbear’s closure, Mary Schmidt starts her first week as the night-guard for Candy’s on the 15th of November, 1987.
  • During Night 4, she is told that the previous guard had gone missing, according to the police.
  • She completes her week on the 20th of November, completes a 6th night on the 21st of November and is fired on the 22nd of November for tampering with the animatronics, damaging the facility and wearing too much perfume.


  • The New animatronics including New Candy and New Cindy are designed while New Chester's design is scrapped which completes the fifth Generation.
  • Chester finds a key to the Null Closet and is attacked by the Rat.
  • The Penguin puts Chester's parts to a box.
  • Despite his upgrade being scrapped, he still ends up getting upgraded since he needs to be repaired anyway since his injury.
  • New Candy and New Cindy are brought to Candy's Burgers & Fries.


  • Marylin Schmidt is born.


  • Blank finds more drawings from kids.


  • New Cindy finds New Candy's missing tie.


  • The new night guard was murdered by the Rat while on his shift.
  • Another Animatronic, likely penguin alerts the cops about the Murder.
  • Candy walks in on the murder and is blamed as the scape goat for the Rat’s actions.
  • The police have surrounded the building, and upon trying to enter the open backroom, the door locks and guards burst into the location, disabling New Candy.
  • Candy Burgers & Fries closes down and all the animatronics are sent to the Rowboatics Corp. Factory.
  • Rowboatics Corp. Factory is later shutdown.


  • Mary's daughter, Marylin Schmidt loses a bet and has to stay at the Rowboatics Corp. Factory.
  • All of the Animatronics facilitated inside the factory excluding Old Candy and Vinnie who are both passive in this game, try to kill Marylin.
  • The Factory is set for demolition.
  • The Rat and Cat heavily injure the remaining animatronics and try to kill Marylin.
  • Marylin commits arson and burns down Rowboatics Corp.’s abandoned factory, however, This is blamed on faulty wiring as the building had been mistakenly receiving power since it’s closure.


  • Well the series was planed to be in the same universe as the POPGOES series, this was initially scrapped until the POPGOES reboot now known as the Evergreen continuity where the connection was brought back.
    • Due to this only the first chapter of FNaF games (aka FNaF 1, 2 and 3) are the only ones cannon to the series.