Five Nights at Candy's Wiki
Five Nights at Candy's Wiki
Five Nights at Candy's Wiki
Five nights at candy s official shadow candy by thesitcixd-d91uxpe
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SaSS (Security and Surveillance System) is the monitor that Marylin Schmidt utilizes to keep track of the animatronics and call phones in each room throughout the factory. If the SaSS system is crashed a black screen with the SaSS logo will appear. The SaSS logo is the company's name in a bold, somewhat gradient red, with the company's full name displayed just underneath, in a small, white text.

Cameras 011-016 are available to view and call phones in. Every animatronic can travel to every room, but cannot travel to a room another animatronic is already in. All animatronics besides The Rat and The Cat have the ability to disable the phones, rendering the room unavailable to lure animatronics into, and the phone useless if Withered Chester is in the room and it is disabled.

Crashing the System[]

Withered Penguin and The Rat are able to crash the SaSS system. Upon opening the monitor or switching to a camera, their face may appear, obscuring the entire view of the camera feed. (The Rat will only attempt to crash the system should the camera be viewing his location. He also requires much quicker reaction time than Withered Penguin.) The player has a short amount of time to switch cameras or close the monitor. If the player is too slow, SaSS will crash, and the player must click on reboot. This prevents the player from using the cameras and the phones for a few seconds, as the system reboots. During this short period, they are defenseless against any animatronic, especially if Withered Chester or The Cat are attempting to climb into the vents. Once it has rebooted, the player will be able to continue playing normally. One fatal crash in the later nights is enough to end the run, provided the player is in immediate danger and needs to utilize the cameras and phones.

