Five Nights at Candy's Wiki
Five Nights at Candy's Wiki
Five Nights at Candy's Wiki

Penguin Custom Night

"May I take your order?"
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Five nights at candy s official shadow candy by thesitcixd-d91uxpe
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Forgotten Cat is a character in the upcoming game, Five Nights at Candy's 4. He's an animatronic cat who, like the other animatronics that wander around the facility, seems to be a scrapped version of Candy the Cat.


He appears to be a scrapped version of Forgotten Candy.


At this point of time, his appearance is unknown as he is only shown in the shadows.

Standard Animatronics
Originals: Blank the AnimatronicCandy the CatChester the ChimpanzeeCindy the CatOld CandyThe PenguinVinnie

Withereds: Withered BlankWithered ChesterWithered New CandyWithered New CindyWithered Penguin
News: New CandyNew Cindy
Funtimes: Funtime CandyFuntime Cindy
Forgottens: Forgotten CandyForgotten CatMini Candies
Wirelock Hybrids: The CatThe Rat

Supernatural Animatronics

Monsters: Monster CatMonster RatMonster Vinnie
Shadows: Shadow CandyShadow CatShadow Rat
Others: Dawko MarionetteLollipopMarkiplier AnimatronicNightmare CandyOrigami CatPhantom CandyScribble Netty

Security Guards
Mary SchmidtFNaC 4's Protagonist
Audio Recorders
Phone GuyCassette Man
Other People
Mary Schmidt's BrotherMarylin SchmidtThe Puppeteer