Five Nights at Candy's Wiki
Five Nights at Candy's Wiki

This is Five Nights at Candy's Remastered, a game remade for the 4th anniversary of the Five Nights at Candy's game (and series).

This game does NOT work well on older hardware! If you experience issues like the shaders not working, or the backgrounds go missing, then the game is unfit for your PC.

The most notable difference between this remaster and the original game is that the graphics have been upgraded to a whole new level. Technical nerds among you will love to know that all the game's 3D renders have been re-rendered in Blender Cycles. With this, models have been polished, and all materials/textures having received an upgrade as well.

The game's code has been rewritten entirely, hopefully ensuring better performance and stability. This also means I've had the opportunity to rebalance the game a bit, though the mechanics are all the exact same as before.

Emil Macko, on Gamejolt.

Five Nights at Candy's Remastered is a 2019 Horror-theme Point and Click game by Emil "Ace" Macko. It is a remastered version of the Original Five Nights at Candy's.

Although it is a remastered version of the original, there are some things original to this game, like Phone Guy mentioning that there are 3 penguins, the fact that we can see Camera 13 now (But only as an Easter Egg) or the secret night, in which the player needs to survive from Shadow Candy. It is also worth noting that when the secret night is beaten, there is the teaser for Five Nights at Candy's 4. The game was widely acclaimed by players and fans alike and was considered an improvement over the original game; praise earned for its fan service, cleaner design compared to the previous games, animation, and surprises. It received a rating of 8.5/10 on IMDB, compared to the first game's 5.9/10 rating.





Five Nights at Candy's Remastered AI works similar to that of FNaF1, utilising "AI Values", "Movement Intervals" and "Movement Opportunities".

AI and Movement[]

AI Values are pre-determined each night (except for Night7) according to this table:

AI-Values FNaF-R

For each Night every Animatronic has a "Waiting timer", it determines the amount of seconds an Animatronic has to wait before it can Move. Its calculated by the formular: 240 frames+[random number from 0 to 119] + (10- [AI Value])*6. Table:

Start time

How Movement works[]

To move, an Animatronic first decides its movement interval based on the formular: 240 frames+[random number from 0 to 119] + (10- [AI Value])*6. For example: Candy in NIght7, 7/20 mode, has an AI Value of 20 and the random number is 60, inserting that into the formular it looks like: 240 frames+60+(10-20)*6= 240 frames. The game runs at 60 Frames per Second so Candy will have a movement interval every 4 seconds. In order for Candy to move, the following formular has to be true: AI Value >= random number from 1 to 25- failed movement counter (failed movement counter increases by "1" for each failed movement). Inserting Candys Values into the formular: 20=>25-1 is false, so Candy will not move but the failed movement counter will increase by 1, increasing his chance to move by the next movement. The Obvious exception is Blank. When he succeds a movement opportunity, he will not move but instead progress into his next phase. Also his failed movement counter increases by 0.5.

"Camera Skipping"[]

Unlike in Fnaf1 and 2, Animatronics in FNaC Remastered cannot appear on the same camera. Incase an Animatronic wants to move to the camera next in their path is occupied by another animatronic, the Animatronic will either fail their movement or perform a camera skip. The conditions for an animatronic to skip a camera are: 1. Their failed movement counter has to be greater than 0, 2. if the camera the animatronic is trying to skip to is occupied, the animatronic will fail their movement opportunity.

Animatronic specific conditions[]
  • Cindy: Cindy can't skip from Cam02 to Cam04 (this doesn't seem intentional, as she can skip everywhere else)
  • Blank: Blank Cannot go to Cam05 if there is another animatronic in Cam05
  • The Penguin: Can't Camera skip

Door Attacks[]

These don't rely on Intervals and AI Values, instead utilising "Attack Patience" and "Door Patience". If an Animatronic gets to a door, their attack patience is determined by the formular: 900- ([AI Value]*30) (frames) if the animatronic has waited at your door for the calculated number of frames, the player will be jumpscared. If the player closes the door, the Door Patience is calculated by the formular 90+ ([AI Value]*9) (Frames), meaning that after the animatronic is at your door and the door is closed, the animatronic will leave after the calculated amount of frames. After the Animatronic is blocked, they will return to their starting position, their Start timer to start moving again will be doubled. If the door is not Closed and Attack Patience runs out, the Animatronic will jam the door and jumpscare the player after a random time ranging from 1-10 seconds.


  • Blank: He has no Door Patience Timer, instead leaving immediately after being blocked. If you look at him in Cam05 while he attacks, his attack timer is replaced by the time it takes for him to play his attack animation.
  • The Penguin: Instead of Jumpscaring the Player, he will enter the office and stay under the table, forever. He will continuously run his jumpscare timer. If it reaches Zero, he will open or close a random door and play the voiceline "Can I take your order".

Shadow Candy[]

Shadow Candy has AI Value, Intervals, Start Timer, Door Patience and Attack Patience like every animatronic. But these have a different meaning when it comes to him. He also has a "Position" variable.

Version History[]

Version Notes
1.0 Release version.
  • Fixed the cursor moving on its own on some systems when playing with "Hybrid View Scrolling" enabled.
  • Fixed an error that made animatronics with AI level 1 inactive.
  • Fixed a glitch where Candy would get stuck by the doors.
  • Fixed a glitch making the screen shake rapidly and disrupting events from playing out during a special night when playing with "Hybrid View Scrolling" disabled.
  • Fixed a glitch that allowed the camera panel to be pulled up during specific jumpscares.
  • Rebalanced the power consumed over time by the doors.
  • Fixed the doors not being interactable after some jumpscares in a specific night.
  • Fixed a miscalculation on the title screen that prevented Cindy from appearing.


  • There are many differences between the original game and the remastered version: The game's code has been completely rewritten and graphics have been updated, the Junior Manager's calls are different and last longer than the original game, players can unlock the Camera 13 ( which was only mentioned in Night 5 of the original game ) and gives Shadow Candy a greater enemy role. The jumpscares have been improved as they twitch/shake when approaching the player.
  • Five Nights at Freddy's and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is mentioned in the phone call on Night 3.

Five Nights at Candy's

Five Nights at Candy's 2
Fnac 3 icon

Five Nights at Candy's 3
Screenshot (63)

Five Nights at Candy's 4

Five Nights at Candy's Remastered
