Animation of Blank punching the window in the office.
Blank's jumpscare.
Blank, as he appears in his jumpscare.
Blank's name shown in the Custom Night.
Blank in the extra menu.
Blank in one of the teaser that says "THE BROKEN".
Blank about to punch the door (Note: This is from game files, not in-game).
FNaC 2[]
Blank teaser for FNaC 2 brighten up with the words: "Will you survive another week in the dark?"
Blank's jumpscare when he attacked the player while in the cameras.
Blank's jumpscare when he attacked the player while in the main hall.
Blank in FNaC 2’s 3rd teaser.
Blank in Cam 14.
Blank in front of the player.
FNaC 3[]
Blank's looking sprites
Blank in the glitch minigame for Candy's Adventure.
Blank the Animatronic
Blank's Custom Night Icon
Blank's jumpscare
Blank's Full Body In FNaC:R In Extra Menu
Blank alongside Old Candy, both in New Condition
Blank seen with markiplier with other animatronics in a poster that say's "ALL HAIL THE KING".
Blank, as seen alongside the other animatronics in the Five Nights at Candy's 1.
Blank, as seen alongside the other animatronics (Minus Nightmare Candy, Funtime Candy, Funtime Cindy, Markiplier Animatronic, and Scribble Netty) in the Five Nights at Candy's Series.