On one of the paychecks, it's Rat's shadow that is seen, not Candy's. Can that be changed, please?
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Hello! i'm the Founder of the FNAC wikia, i came back to visit and i'm pretty impressed this thing has stayed the same since the last time i came back..
So where have i been lately since i left he wikia?
I'm a Game Developer now, i'm fully actively developing Club Penguin 3D and i'm moving on to new projects and exciting things to do! if you want to give me a follow on my social media, this is my twitter
Now following the tradition i usually come back here and post that one Katy Perry video every month so why not?
here it is:
Katy Perry - Birthday
I will move on from this wikia, just wanted to say a quick "I'm alive!". Goodbye!

Today March 25, It's my birthday, Check out the post from last year!
As a tradition I want to keep, I will post the same video here.
Katy Perry - Birthday
If you have any problems with this comment below what I should improve about it, I won't change about the redirects.
Here's my list on things Imma try to get done.
All of it.
1. Removal of all current redirects.
Reason: we have like triple redirects left behind because people were too lazy to fix links, instead they made over 150-ish redirects.
2. Improvement on the wiki navigation.
Reason: it was very messy before, users that got used to this will be mad, but they'll get used to it as it goes on. Just tell me what to improve about it.
3. Organization of the images.
Reason:Pretty basic reason, just to clear up broken and unneeded files/images
4. Updation of pages, and stub pages improvements.
Reason: Again pretty simple. People make more pages, they become stubs, they never get past the stub stage.
5. Making of an unofficial FNaC World: The Adventure wiki, since it seems not needed right now we will put this on a hiatus.
6. Updating the New Staff Page and situating ranks. This was a needed thing and I've noticed we have loads of unneeded bureaucrats, one was just a youtuber! Other are inactive people no longer active here.
7. Setup Favicon and custom cursors for the wiki, along with a poll for it.
8. I will add more once I remember some more.
Oh well the day has come yay
Congratulate Scientedfic for his awesome work with our wikia! He is now officially the CEO of the FNAC wikia yaayyy
Scientedfic ranked from:
Content Mod
But now that Scientedfic is the CEO, doesn't mean im completely gone from your lives, nononono, I will be still around our wikia and making sure everything is okay. and I still need to give you guys an new and original Homepage, You will see it in January 2017 ;)
When FNAC3 releases, im gonna be around helping you guys with the pages <3
Im still a CEO, but retired. I can still rule over this wikia if I wish. But It's the turn for our best admin to take the responsibility <3
Waddle on!
Tomorrow December 10 2016, Scientedfic is taking the CEO role of the wikia. And with that we are going to jump right into our second era.
I want to announce that we now have a Discord Server. you can join it by going to the sidebar and all that bullfrik.
Before being a member there you must first send me a message like this in my message Wall:
"Hi m8 my discord username is: "I love chocolate" kthxbye"
ayy lmao.
Also there is a POSSIBLE major change coming tommorrow to the Homepage and others thingys
That's all for now.
December 10th.
Hope you all can accept him and accept the changes that are coming to the wiki.
When December 10 is here, he will have right to rule over everything (excluiding me, i can still rule over him lolololololololol).
He will be taking the CEO role for a half year, then there will be a election.
That's all for now
Hi again.
I've noticed the wikia has some problems with his pages.
Some of them are stubs, and others are unorganised. So we need to change that.
We need to merge the Night's pages in one. Example: FNAC1 night 1 and FNAC 2 night 1 in one page (but separated obviously)
We need to add references to all the pages
We need to fix some information.
and all of that.
You can start with the FNAC1 pages. these are old and somewhat outdated.
And yes, you wishes came true and I deleted the horrible subpages. (Example:Candy the Cat/Withered new Candy)
No problem.
So, im here for 2 things
First i wanna say that the Monster family (example: Monster CAT) has been unblocked and you can edit them all and add all the information you want
That goes with the FNAC3 reverse puppet page
and the Monster Cat Page feel free to remove the image
The Community Center has been revived and you can find latest information and updates there
it also has a fancy exclusive CSS <3
that's all for now
It has been a while hans't it?
Oh well.
Im here for 2 things, Announce my next sucessor, etc.
Im sucessor is Scientedfic. I think he has done a lot of work for this wikia lately. He is the one who has been there always for this wikia, he has always loved this wikia as much as I do.
I would like you guys to congratuate him.
Im retiring from CEO & Owner soon. and I will take a half year of break. SCHOOL IS SO CRUEL WITH ME!
After that break, Semerone will be taking over for a short time. But as for now, Scientedfic is just under the Stress test thing. DON'T TEST HIM OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU BURN.
I hope you can see him as you see me.
Also. I've encountered a lot of trouble with trollers griefers. Im gonna DELETE. the "Add Pages,Add Photos, Add x" Buttons. For a time.
Only admins will have access to the Add Pages and Add Photos buttons. Im sorry but you have made me go this insane.
That's all for now. there will be some CSS changes soon and bla bla lblalblarjpweiruwer
- WaddleOn!
So, I just realised, that the new Page navigation we added when FNAC2 was out. Ins't exactly clear and specific. For this reason, On August 27 We will start deprecating all the pages with the new Navigation System. Since the system has been clearly and confusing.
We are going to put a new navigation soon. I promise that will be better than this.

Click here to go the Sinister Turmoil Wikia!
Click here for more info about Sinister Candy
And No. This haves nothing to do with FNAC3.
I have really not much to say. Except that some things are temporal.
Oh yeah, And visit our allies and stuff. also there is stuff coming.
An nice Wikia has just been opened to the public! It is an very Extensive wikia and haves all the information you need to known on Sinister tumoil! Ins't that great?
There you can find All about Sinister turmoil! Incluiding Extra and exclusive content you will never imagined about the game!
You can interact, and help these guys in their wikia! you can complete stub articles and help they rise!
And yeah! That's an Official wikia for the game! just check it out youself in their gamejolt page!
But what Is Sinister Turmoil?
Sinister Turmoil is a NICE! AMAZING! game (In development) with an very nice concept and exclusive and uniques characters! Like POPGOES! IGNITED ANIMATRONICS! MULTIPLAYER!
And That's not all! Here have some Screenshots

Hello there.
It's been a time. Haven't it?
FNAC released... then FNAC2..... and we are going to the big 3.
For that reason. FNAC1 content will be blocked and protected for a short period of time. The reason?. those pages are done. and aren't needed to be edited. because all the information for it has been put, and yet. no one should touch these pages anymore.
So. We will make an big revision to the FNAC1 and FNAC3 pages. and we will be fixing stuff and that.
There will be also an new 0 tolerance rule.
"If the user has breaken more or 3 rules. the user will be banned inmediatly."
That's all . yet.
It's official! it's the FNAC wikia anniversary!
Wow! it's been such a long ride. I can't believe that yesterday I took the ownership of this wikia!
It's been a time. you already know the history, don't you?
At first. there was nothing. just a few pages regarding FNAC an one admin. I helped in the wikia by adding loads of content and that stuff. the admin these seemed to not care the wikia. One day, he gave me admin privileges. and I started adding stuff to the wikia, then I decided to adopt the wikia And for that then the wikia has been glowing, and glowing!
Thanks you all very much!
this means lot for me! Not just because has been one year, because I can see how this wikia really grown and has been just so nice!
Stuff is coming! don't miss it!
This whole week will be aniversary week, And there will be several posts. =)
Hello guys.
i just reminded and confirmed information about our anniversary being in 2 days! ins't that nice?!
Not much will be done about this. But I can confirm that a new desing will arrive to the wikia. and MAYBE I will add an special tag for those that has been one year with us.
We will soon launch a few features that will involve pages organization,tags,Special commands. etc,etc,ec,tecetc,e,ct,erwr
Is so nice that this wikia has been alive for that period of time, ins't it?!
Well. That's all.
I guess.