hi, i was trying to unlock the ultimate ending, and everytime i try to ask the toys "where is he" by typing WHEREISHE, it never works! i tried to re-install the game, and what not, so is there anything else that im supposed to do, or does it not work anymore?
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Well, we know that Candy, Cindy, Rat and Cat (and Vinnie maybe) are 100% possessed, but what about
-Old Candy
Well, Old Candy POSSIBLY could be possessed, by a bad parent from minigame in FNAC 2.
But what about the others?

Can't wait
So recently i've payed a lot more attention to fnaf recently and not fnac so my question is why do candy, cindy penguin etc move? I have a lot more questions, so idk if this is the proper place to put them, so add my discord if you could answer my other questions
fnac 4 possibly happens after the fnac 2 events, if this is true, the protagonist may be Marylin who has taken revenge on Rat for his crimes and may have gone to the location of Forgotten Candy because that may be the only one location where the rat can be destroyed
If Rat is trying to get revenge on Vinnie for his death why is he aggressive towards the girls in both FNAC 1 & 2? If they were male I'd understand the mistake but they're obviously female.
Does Rat and Cat have a hatred towards everything now?
Since FNAC 4 is Coming Out soon, Is There Gonna be a Trailer of FNAC 4?
im stuck on night 1 (wait wot?) and you wanna know why? its because any time i shine light on the rat, and he goes under the bed, i shine the light on him under, go out, look at the opposite direction.... wait probally 6 seconds, i look to the other direction, no sight of him, i get out of the game because of how much im a scaredy cat when it comes to fnac, can anyone help? how much seconds should i wait?
If you look closely at both RAT and Wither RAT, you'll find that they are exactly the same... So why are there different pages for each?
As we can see in all FNAC, and the mini game in FNAC 2, Cat and Rat are animatronics... But where are they in FNAC 3 mini games ? We only see costumes, but no robots ! (Btw, does that means Old Candy is the first version of new Cat ?) If someone know or just want to theoryzed with me, you, obviously, can ! I'm all open.
I edited Monster Vinnie last night, I added the description of him and fixed some grammar here and there. Now I can't edit at all, and someone else added. I want to fix the grammar. They most likely don't speak english, and I just want to help. Is there any way that someone can allow editing this page?
Sorry if there's an issue. I'm new to Wikia.
Heres some pointers.
Does not get scared by a jumpscare if i know its coming.
Sometimes get scared by a jumpscare that i dont know is coming.
I know alot about the game.
I have seen all the jumpscares before.
is it for me?
SO,i read up on RAT,and i know that in later hours of night 5,RAT can be seen looking out a door,but he will NOT attack. So why did i see him jumpscare me????
With some research,I found out that FNaC 3 Might Have Nightmare Animatronics!

Nightmare Rat ^^^
With some research,I found out that FNaC 3 Might Have Nightmare Animatronics!

Nightmare Rat ^^^
In the Minigame of NIght 8 (The one with the crying girl) It seems as Rat is peforming with cat,just like Fredbear Peforming with Spring Bonnie,So Rat is definetly familiar with fredbear