An User in reddit has discovered that Reverse Puppet was supposed to be in FNAC2 as an active animatronic in the nights. It's desing still remains in the Extras section and In the Reverse Puppet easter egg!

Whoa! That's awesome!
I wonder if Emil would have added a music box, just like Scott or even an entirely new mechanic...
At first it sounded cool, but after thinking about it for awhile, I actually preferred the first game where you would just wait for the animatronics to get to your office and close the doors on them.
I didn't really like the music box in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. It kinda ruined the game for me. I mean, the animatronics were great, but I couldn't really apprechiate them as there were not only too many animatronics but at some point you would be almost constantly stuck with rewinding the music box. There was too many stuff going on, making the game way too stressful at times.
I think that was the whole point of FNAF 2: to stress you out.Ā :)
Well, at some point you get used to rewinding the music box, but still...
Heh. Maybe the easiest solution would be just not playing a game if I don't like it. x)
Even moreso after I went through FNAF 2 and beat all game modes, there's no reason to go back and dwell in the past...
Thanks for your comments. It's good to hear from you again.Ā :)
Now I'm turning this whole thread about Five Nights at Candy's 2 into a Five Nights at Freddy's 2 thing. Sorry guys. x)
How are things going? Do you guys need my help with something?
Just tell me and I'll have a look what I can do.Ā :)
Then, tere would be any sprite of it in the game files?
Hmm... I don't know.
I haven't seen any jumpscares of the Reverse Puppet (or something like that).
From what I know the only things ingame are his minigame sprites and the dev sketches.
Semerone wrote: At first it sounded cool, but after thinking about it for awhile, I actually preferred the first game where you would just wait for the animatronics to get to your office and close the doors on them.
I didn't really like the music box in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. It kinda ruined the game for me. I mean, the animatronics were great, but I couldn't really apprechiate them as there were not only too many animatronics but at some point you would be almost constantly stuck with rewinding the music box. There was too many stuff going on, making the game way too stressful at times.
Same with me. You couldn't stare at cameras long enough or else the puppet gets ya.